Hello from the Lake! ROUND FOUR
Original postcards from Buckeye Lake, the Playground of Ohio
11/15/20233 min read

ROUND FOUR: Everyone needs a getaway
This handful of postcards from Buckeye Lake’s “Playground of Ohio” days aren’t titillating or exciting, but they do show that in the early 1900s parents still needed some time away … especially women who sought a break from housework, apparently.

Lover’s Point
Aug. 12, 1907
Addressed to Fred in Newark from Maude
“Dear Fred, leaving this noon on the 12:30 car. Would that I had the two weeks to stay over again. But I suppose I’ll have to wait until next summer. Maude.”
Kim’s Note: Despite the romantic image on the postcard she mailed, Maude isn't exactly longing to reunite with Fred. In fact, I wonder if he's her brother or something. Why did we stop using the phrase “would that I could” or “would that I had”? Though we maybe can’t relate to the changes in diction and syntax, I think anyone who’s had a good vacation can definitely relate to Maude's reluctance to wait a whole summer for another break.

Wish you Were Here (Sort of)
Aug. 8, 1910
Addressed to Young James in Atlanta, Ga. from Mother
“You would like to ride in one of these boats, I know, as they are fine. Be a good boy and mind Aunt Kelly.”
Kim’s Note: I wonder how “missed” James felt when he received this postcard down in Georgia from Mother. But she’s right. The boat rides on Buckeye Lake were exceptionally popular throughout the amusement park era - CRUISIN’ THE WATERS

Bold Squirrels
Aug. 24, 1931
Addressed to Sarah Anne in PA from Mother
“Dear Baby: I hope you are being the best girl ever. You should see the little squirrels out here. They are very bold. Quite warm here today.”
Kim’s Note: Sarah Anne’s mother is sending this postcard from Picnic Point, adjacent to the park. This scenic area was the spot for many Company Picnic Days. Companies like General Electric, Curtis-Wright, North American Aviator, Owens Corning, and others would set up their picnic headquarters at Picnic Point. I personally remember seeing an old black-and-white photo hanging at Schmidt’s in German Village that shows their staff enjoying a company picnic at Buckeye Lake. Braig writes about how local kids at the lake would pretend to be children of company picnic employees so they could get “tags” for rides and swimming. I can find no other mention of bold squirrels, though, beyond what Mother seemed to encounter.

Lake Tourist Hotel
Aug. 21, 1912
Addressed to Laura in Logan from Emma
“Dear Laura - this is a fine place for me to come and rest, no housework. Aurora and I are going to get up early in the morning and go fishing - are having a fine time.”
Kim’s Note: I hope they threw the fish back after they caught them so they didn’t have to clean them. That’s all.